You a teacher? administrator?

Feeling stressed? overwhelmed? burned out?

I can help.

I am your hotline to feeling better.


About Betsy

Betsy Burris PhD, MSW, LCSW

I’m a teacher educator and a psychotherapist, a combination that allows me to see classroom behavior and teacher experience through an amazingly helpful lens: the psychodynamic lens. By “psycho” I mean having to do with emotions and unconscious expectations of ourselves and the world; by “dynamic” I mean having to do with relationships and the ways we fit together with other people, for better and for worse. I have been helping teachers and administrators (and parents and even students!) build their psychodynamic muscles for over a decade.

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Working with you this year has been transformative for our staff, me, and the school. You have made a huge positive difference in our lives and the work that we do.
— Michelle Paranto, school leader