Honeymoon Period

I know a teacher, let’s call her Summer, who loves what she calls “the honeymoon period” at the beginning of every school year. Where everything is fresh and promising and she feels lots of good will and energy.

And then, suddenly, the honeymoon period ends.

(Did we even have a honeymoon period this year?)

In the first episode of my brand-new podcast, The Teachers’ Lounge with Betsy Burris (sorry — I had to distinguish my Teachers’ Lounge from others’ Teachers’ Lounges),

Summer hits Fall hard.

And acts out on a student. And sets herself and the student up for a year-long struggle that will guarantee the student doesn’t learn a thing — and Summer loses whatever is left of her good will and energy.

You’ll hear the story of the mistake Summer made — and you’ll hear what happened next. What she did, why she did it, and what the outcome was.

Good stuff.

Tune in.

Next week. October 13th. On your favorite podcast platform. Or right here, at good ol’ Teaching through Emotions (where you can hear the trailer right now).

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