Time to Quit

Teaching well is difficult enough in the best of times. In the worst of times, like now, it is feeling


for many.

Like Sally.

Burnout, vicarious traumatization, loss of control, the pandemic, exhaustion. These are professional hazards for teachers right now.

One response to these hazards is to blame others. “Get out of my classroom!” “Administrators are not doing enough for me!” “I am not appreciated!”

Another response is self-blame. “What’s wrong with me?” “Why am I dreading a job I love?” “I’m a failure!” (That’s the response Sally had.)

Regardless of the response, a tempting solution is to just quit. Which makes

complete sense.

Except for this: Students need wise teachers more than ever right now. And teachers need support in being wise. How to get that support?

Listen to what Sally did. Or what Robin did. Or Summer. Or Jeremy. Or Rachel.

Or, in a couple weeks, Lawrence. And a couple weeks after that, Veronica. Success stories abound.

You don’t have to be alone on this.

Betsy BurrisComment